Rock Ridge Drama Boosters is a 501(c)3 non-profit separate from Loudoun County Public Schools. This is important to note, as Rock Ridge Drama Boosters is small business located in Ashburn, VA. While the mission statement focuses on supporting the students and staff within the Theatre Program at Rock Ridge High School, Rock Ridge Drama Boosters exists as a separate operating business from Loudoun County Public Schools. We are required to have our own liability insurance, file taxes, apply for facility use of LCPS, and provide separate funding for all theatre related events and improvements at Rock Ridge High School.
The after school program receives $0 funding from Loudoun County Public Schools, aside from a stipend for a theatre director. This is of notable difference from the Athletics program at Rock Ridge High School which is entirely funded by LCPS. As a result, all after school programs and summer camps are entirely funded through production fees, tuitions, ticket sales, and fundraisers operated by Rock Ridge Drama Boosters. Please do not contact Rock Ridge High School or Loudoun County Public Schools regarding matters related to Rock Ridge Drama Boosters.
The after school program receives $0 funding from Loudoun County Public Schools, aside from a stipend for a theatre director. This is of notable difference from the Athletics program at Rock Ridge High School which is entirely funded by LCPS. As a result, all after school programs and summer camps are entirely funded through production fees, tuitions, ticket sales, and fundraisers operated by Rock Ridge Drama Boosters. Please do not contact Rock Ridge High School or Loudoun County Public Schools regarding matters related to Rock Ridge Drama Boosters.